"New Jersey Federal Court Holds Continuous Trigger Inapplicable to Third-Party Construction Claim."
MDMC Insurance Bulletin
October 23, 2006
"No CGL Coverage for Subcontractor's Work -- Court's Reliance on Weedo Ensures Broad Application of Decision"
Real Estate and Title Insurance Supplement to N.J. Law Journal, Vol. CLXXXVI, No. 4
April 18, 2006
"If A Tree Falls In The Forest And The Insured Doesn't Hear It, Does It Cause 'Property Damage'?"
Mealey's Litigation Report: Insurance , Vol. 10, No.23
January 1, 2006
"Employer Faces Liability to Third-Party For Failure to Monitor Employee's Computer Activity"
MDMC Employment Bulletin
December 20, 2005
"Shooting Fish in a Barrel : Inconsistent Treatment of Insureds in Liability and Declaratory Actions Leads to Imposition of Excess Liability"
Mealey's Emerging Insurance Disputes,Vol. 10, No. 24
September 1, 2005
"A New Defense to Suits Spawned by Prior Litigation That Resulted in Settlement"
ECBF Chronicle, p. 11
October 11, 2004
“What a Former Employee Doesn’t Say May Hurt You: Permissibility of Adverse Inference From Ex-Employee’s Invocation of Fifth Amendment”
N.J.L.J., Vol. 178, No. 15
June 1, 2001
“Defeating Claims for Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing”
The Alert, Vol. 6, No. 3
January 1, 2000
“Coverage of Employment Discrimination Claims Under Standard Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance Policies” (co-author)
35 Tort & Insurance L.J. 1097