
Addressing a wide range of legal issues affecting the automotive industry.
Our practice in representing clients in the automotive industry – including manufacturers, captive financial entities, suppliers and distributors – is national in scope. Our automotive attorneys possess extensive experience in commercial, product liability, tax, employment, and other relevant areas of law. This experience and depth enable us to provide counseling and litigation services on a wide range of issues affecting our automotive clients.
Our knowledge of the automotive industry, together with the support of our law Firm’s specialized practice areas, directly benefits clients seeking advice on:
- Compliance with Federal and State Laws and Regulations
- Commercial disputes
- Franchise disputes and legal issues under the New Jersey Franchise Practices Act (FPA) and the Automobile Dealers' Day in Court Act
- Consumer fraud, warranties, advertising, lemon law issues, consumer leasing, and consumer financial issues
- Contract and misrepresentation issues, and other forms of commercial disputes
- Class Action Counseling Consumer Affairs
- Advertising issues and Consumer Regulations
- Complaints filed by state consumer agencies and consumers
- Counseling and defense of administrative actions brought by regulatory agencies such as DMV and Attorneys General
Our automotive attorneys also provide counsel and representation of automotive clients involving financial issues; franchise matters; litigation and arbitration; class actions and a broad range of other legal matters ranging from employment and labor relations to environmental issues.